WuXu's Sources

The most Up-To-Date IPA Libraries on AltStore

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WuXu's Library

Contains all your favourite emulators, games, jailbreaks, utilities, and more!

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WuXu's Library++

Contains all your favourite tweaked apps, free streaming, cracked apps, and more!

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AltStore Complete

This automatically updates from the official AltStore Sources and combines them all into one complete source!


Can you add _________ (app) to WuXu's Library?

Sure! You can make an app request through our discord! Join here

Are the apps in WuXu's Library kept up-to-date?

The majority of apps in each source are kept fully up-to-date by me! I update all apps (if there are any) once or twice a week. But you can mention it in the discord and i'll try to get it done sooner!

How do I add your sources to AltStore?

You need the beta version of AltStore to add my sources to AltStore, but you can find more ways how to use the apps on my source on my discord.